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Increasing The Value of Your Home Through Renovations

Many homeowners are interested in how home renovation increases the value of their property. Our blog post is here to help! We will discuss what renovations increase your property’s value and what you can expect for a return on investment, among other things. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for a simple update or an extensive remodel of your kitchen – we’ve got you covered with this guide.

As a general rule, if you focus your home renovation on the kitchen you will get the most bang for your buck. Kitchens are one of the most important rooms in a home, and they often play a significant role when it comes time to sell. According to Remodeling magazine’s 2016 Cost vs. Value Report, homeowners who remodel their kitchens can expect to see a 78.0% return on investment (ROI) at resale!

What Increases Home Value the Most?

A kitchen renovation is what increases home value the most. People who want to sell their property will invest a lot of money into fixing up their kitchens, as that’s what buyers are paying for – the style and functionality! In fact, you can expect about an 83% return on investment if you renovate your kitchen completely.

Why Does Kitchen Renovation Increase Value the Most Then?

Kitchens are what increase a home’s value the most because they tend to be one of the biggest selling points when buyers tour homes. Many people dream about having their own perfect kitchen, and if yours is outdated or lacking in functionality it could prevent you from getting top dollar for your property!

In addition, kitchens have become more than just a place to cook. Kitchens are what increase home value the most because they have evolved into more than just a room with appliances and cabinets – buyers consider them as an extension of their living space that can be used for entertainment or even work.

It’s what increases home value important to seriously think about what you want out of your kitchen before you start remodeling. What are your must-haves? How much can you afford to spend? Do you want a modern or traditional look? Once you have answers to these questions, it will be easier for you to make decisions about what renovations increase home value the most.

If your kitchen renovation falls into the “moderate” category, meaning you spend between $20,000 and $45,000 on your renovation project, you can expect a 75% return on investment when it comes time to sell, which is a lot!

How Much Does a Homeowner Get for What They Invest in A Renovation?

A lot! For instance, an average kitchen remodel will cost about $20,000 – $45,000. When you factor in what the home is worth after it’s been renovated and what was spent on renovations themselves (the return), that means you’re looking at anywhere from $12,000 to $15,000 in what you invested. I would argue that this is a pretty good ROI on the time and money spent!

What Are the Most Popular Renovations?

According to data from, here are what home renovation projects were on the top of homeowners’ lists last year: kitchen (24%), bathroom (16%), flooring installation or refinishing (12%), and landscaping (11%).

It’s important to keep in mind what is popular with buyers when it comes time to resell. If you’re unsure of what renovations will result in a higher value for your home, be sure to consult with a real estate agent or contractor who specializes in this area!

How Can I Increase the Value of My Home Cheaply?

As talked about above, not everyone has the budget for a full kitchen renovation. If you’re looking to increase your home’s value on a smaller budget, there are some cheap and easy ways to do so! Installing new flooring is one way to go, as this can be done for as little as $500.

Updating your bathroom fixtures is another great way to increase the value of your home for a low price. Finally, what home renovation increases value in the United States can be as simple as changing out your light fixtures or updating the paint color in your rooms.

Updating your flooring isn’t even that hard. It takes little practice, but if you have either youtube or friends to help out, you can probably master this ability quite quickly.

What About What You Can Do Outside?

Outside, simple projects like power-washing and re-painting often make a big difference in what buyers think of it! It makes sense – if they’re going to be living there long-term, what does this place look like right now and what could it look like with a bit of TLC?

If you’re looking to increase the value of your home, be sure to consult with a real estate agent or contractor who specializes in this area! They’ll be able to give you specific information on what renovations will result in a higher value for your home. And, as always, remember that what’s popular with buyers changes all the time – so stay up to date on what’s in style!

Do New Windows Increase Home Value?

Yes. According to what the National Association of Realtors® says, replacing old windows with new energy-efficient ones gives you a 95% return on what you invested. This is because what potential buyers are looking for when they’re in the market for a new home is resale value – and what’s more valuable than an updated kitchen?

What Should You Not Do Before Selling Your House?

Before selling your house, what shouldn’t you do? “What are the top three renovations that should not be done before a home is sold?”

As mentioned above, what’s popular with buyers changes all the time – so what could have been hot last year might not sell this year. If you’re planning on putting your house up for sale in the near future, it’s best to consult with a real estate agent or contractor who specializes in this area!

That said, here are three home renovations that could actually decrease the value of your house when you go to sell:

  • Bathroom remodels (unless they’re really top-notch)
  • adding a room onto the house
  • Renovating the exterior of the home

It’s important to keep what potential buyers are looking for in mind when you make your renovations! If they’re not planning on living there long-term, what might be a better investment? Remembering this will help you increase the value of your home and get top dollar for it!

What Brings Down Property Value?

There are a few things that can bring down the value of your home – these include:

  • Poorly done renovations
  • Overdoing it on renovations (going too crazy can be a turnoff to buyers)
  • Pets and pet smells in the house
  • Not fixing or updating broken features before selling.

I’ve experienced this myself. I once had an opening for an apartment we used to own. And during the opening, the dishwasher broke and puked water all over the floor. You’ve guessed it, the apartment didn’t get sold that time!

One way to make sure that your home doesn’t lose any value is to consult with a real estate agent or contractor who specializes in this area! They’ll be able to guide you on what renovations are necessary and what will result in the highest return when it comes time to sell.

What Does “value” Mean when It Comes to Home Renovations?

When your real estate agent refers to what they’re doing, what are they talking about? There’s a chance that what they could be referring to is increasing the value of your property. As mentioned above, renovating what buyers want in their homes can increase this! What potential homeowners what is what they’re going to get out of the house both now and in the future – what makes it easy for them to sell, what will keep up with what’s trending, and so on.


This is what we specialize in at our company – by giving you an idea of what could be done to increase the value of your home, we’re letting you know what will give you a good return on investment. Whether or not it’s time for you to sell is up to you, but knowing these things always puts homeowners in a better position.

Don’t forget what’s most important – what your home is worth to you! If what the market says isn’t what matters, then don’t worry about it. Just make sure that whatever renovations you do decide on are done right and with care so they’ll last for years to come.

So, what are you waiting for? Start renovating and increasing the value of your home today! 🙂

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